- STORIES with Michael Anderle
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- Pandora is Back! Short Story 01 of 02
Pandora is Back! Short Story 01 of 02
Protected By The Damned

So, it's time to release another short story to you who signed up.
Eventually, I'll stop placing these short stories 'outside' the email list (available on the web) so to continue receiving them, please sign up for the email.
For those who do not know the PROTECTED BY THE DAMNED series you are (I hope) in for a treat.
The main protagonist is Katie, a young college-aged student who was snagged from her campus to become a vessel for a demon takeover in book 01 - Torn Asunder.
Now, she is one of the DAMNED. Those that must remain apart from humanity from the most part - except their future is fighting those have an 'unwelcome' tagalong.The problem was Katie is too strong in spirit to be subjugated and Pandora - the demon that was called to this realm - isn't happy, either.
Both had been double-crossed by those they knew.
This is part of the story of the two of them learning how to 'get along' so that they can help themselves and humanity.*** WARNING - NO OPEN DOOR SEX - BUT PLENTY OF ADULT HUMOR AND DISCUSSION... And CURSING... LOT'S and LOT'S of CURSING and ANNOYANCE AT SOAP OPERAS.
Tentative Friends
Short story during the time of Torn Asunder - Book 01 in the Protected by the Damned series.
It had been quiet since the incursion at the commune, and Armani's death and Garret's liberation. Too quiet.
Katie was not complaining. She'd spent the last couple of weeks training hard and playing hard in an effort to work through the onslaught of emotions surrounding her first few months as a Killer.
She'd hit the Las Vegas strip a couple of times and ordered a bunch more stuff for the shared areas around the base to put her touch on the place, but today, she was all about the screen time and a huge bowl of sugared popcorn to go with the pot of sweet black tea she'd made.
She snagged a handful of popcorn and snuggled back into the deep, soft sofa cushions before turning on the TV.
Please tell me we're not doing another soap-a-thon, Pandora whined.
Katie paused with the TV remote in her hand. "I thought you liked the soaps? What was it you said about them being 'an accurate depiction of life in hell, with more tits and ass on display?'"
Well, yes. I'd be lying if I said I didn't appreciate all the willing flesh that is paraded across the screen in these shows. But Katie, it's all you've been doing in your downtime. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm sick of figuring out who is fucking who, watching characters plotting against each other, and random memory-loss episodes.
Katie laughed. "I get it. You're still pissed about the whole of last season being a dream sequence."
Fuck yes, I'm pissed! I invested in that storyline, and it was all happening inside Destiny's fucking head. What are we supposed to do? Just sit back and take it?
"Fine. What would you like me to put on?" Katie conceded.
Something…action-y, Pandora decided. But I still want to see actors who are easy on the eyes and speak like they have more than two brain cells to rub together.
Katie laughed. "You can have one or the other. Sorry, Pandora. Hollywood's rules, not mine."
Dammit. If I wanted himbos, I'd stick to the soaps.
Katie scrolled the menu up. "Okay. How about this?"
Man Bat?
"It's 'Batman.' Man Bat didn't get his own never-ending movie franchise. I don't think people would flock to see movies about a man whose grip on his sanity is eclipsed by his tendency to turn into a giant bat and terrorize the city."
I'd watch it. A bit of terrorizing can go a long way if done right.
Katie rolled her eyes. "You want to see a hot guy in a rubber costume. I want to see a story where justice triumphs. It's either that or the soaps."
Okay, okay. Batman it is.
I see why you like all this geeky stuff, Pandora commented halfway through the movie. It speaks to your need to be a shiny little do-gooder.
"Don't read too much into it," Katie told her. "I like the ass-kicking part."
That too. You want to be just like Batman? Swooping through the shadows to deliver justice to assholes with poor fashion sense?
Katie paused the movie and sighed. "You know, I didn't go looking for this life. But now that I'm living it, I want to be the best I can be."
I want you to be the best you can be, too, Pandora agreed. That way, you won't die, which means I won't die.
Katie squeezed her eyes shut to rid herself of the memory that came surging to the front of her mind: the couple hanging from the fountain. "I just wish this life didn't come with the need to kill or be killed."
You've got me to make sure you don't end up in the "be killed" part. Pandora paused. Because that would suck. For us both. You need to get over your moral squeamishness about killing.
Katie had a feeling Pandora was trying to offer her reassurance. However, she couldn't be sure, and something in her resident demon's tone rubbed her the wrong way. "If it wasn't for you, I could be leading a normal life, finishing college. No demons, no training or fighting. There wouldn't be any 'moral squeamishness' about killing."
Pandora scoffed. If it wasn't for me, you would be finishing college and shacking up with some asshole Chad who would treat you like nothing more than a womb with a view. At least until you gave him a few babies and lost your figure. Then Chad would run off with your Pilates instructor, and that's your life, over and done. Think about it. With me, you have options.
"You seem to forget that being stuck with you is a lifetime deal. Kids grow up and leave home."
By which time, your ass is the size of a barn, and you have wrinkles from the stress of raising them. Admit it; you like the idea of staying young and hot.
"Pandora, you have no idea what I want."
Have you seen yourself in a mirror lately? Come on, who doesn't want to kick ass looking like "Fuck-me Barbie?"
"I'm guessing that model isn't available in Walmart."
Pandora scoffed. I hope you're a good swimmer.
"What are you talking about?"
You're so deep in denial, you might as well have booked a ticket to Egypt.
Katie snorted. "Okaaaay, Dr. Freud."
Leave poor Sigmund out of it.
"Let me guess; you knew him."
Knew him? Who do you think gave him mommy issues?
"Sure. I believe you. If you're all done psychoanalyzing me, maybe we can watch the damn movie." Katie couldn't concentrate on the plot. Her mind kept wandering back to their unique situation. "Pandora?"
"What do you want?"
What kind of question is that? Pandora demanded.
"The kind of question I'm asking." Katie couldn't hide the note of frustration in her voice, nor did she want to. "You're this high-level demon, right? So prove it. I don't believe your story about being bored and wanting to go slumming up here."
Don't put yourself down, sweetie. This is hardly slumming it. I have a great body to inhabit, and I'm surrounded by eye candy. I wouldn't say no to you getting a taste of some of that candy, but we can't have everything.
"Forget men for a damned second," Katie snapped. "Tell me something about yourself. Something real."
Pandora didn't answer right away. How about this? I will tell you one truth and two lies, and you can decide which is real. One, I was responsible for the fall of Rome. Two, Anne Boleyn wasn't a real person; she was me. Three, Mata Hari survived for so long because I possessed her.
Katie laughed. "Well, I don't think you were responsible for the fall of an entire empire." She hesitated to choose between the other two options. "Let's see… Do I believe you were responsible for the fall of the Catholic Church in England, or do I believe you helped a woman become a super spy? I'm gonna go with option two. Am I right?"
Pandora chuckled. You'll never know because I'll never tell.
"Come on," Katie teased. "I haven't known you for very long, but I get the feeling that your best work has been done on your back. Well, yours or someone else's."
While I fully support the right of any woman to get what she can out of a man who only sees her as a place to bury their—
"I get the picture," Katie cut in.
Pandora's throaty laughter sent a shiver down Katie's spine. You're such a prude. Are you fucking blushing right now? You are!
"I'm not a prude. I just don't see the need to lower myself to that level." Katie shrugged.
Honey, sometimes a woman's best weapon is lowering herself to that level.
"Pandora! Stop trying to put me off and answer my question."
Which question? You have to be clearer. Demons are tricky, you know.
Katie groaned. "No shit. The first question I asked. What do you want? Why are you here? Why are you helping me? And don't say it's because you don't want to get killed. If you wanted out of my body that much, you would allow yourself to be exorcised."
Maybe I wanted a change of scenery.
"You mean, from hell?" Katie asked.
No, from enacting my schemes on my back. What did you think I meant? Of course, hell. It's fucking boring down there. Even a higher-level demon like me can only take so much of the bullshit that occurs in demon society.
"What's it like down there?" Katie pulled her legs up onto the sofa and wrapped her arms around her knees, the movie forgotten for the moment. "Is it like we're told? Brimstone and pitchforks?"
You think it's hot in the desert? Try unimaginable, inescapable heat, and every demon being out for themselves. Why do you think I like it up here so much?
Katie snickered. "I don't know. Seems to me you are distracted by every set of rock-hard abs that walks by."
It's not so much the abs as what is just below them.
Katie sighed. "And somehow, we have circled back around to your obsession with…"
Fuck me! You can't even say the word, can you? Go on, just try it. Repeat after me: dick, one-eyed trouser snake, love gun, womb broom, disco stick, tonsil-tapper, flesh flute, deep "V" diver—
"Pandora, enough!" Katie cut in. "I swear, I will go to Damian this minute and have him pull you out of me if it kills us both."
Not if you die of embarrassment first. Beaver basher, piss weasel, meat hammer… Pandora laughed as Katie cringed. This is too easy and too much fun. You might be my favorite human vessel yet.
"Well, you are not my favorite demon." Katie pressed play on the movie, hoping the burning in her face would subside if her inner demon would just shut the fuck up. "For the love of God, ogle Christian Bale's stomach and give me a fucking break."
No need for that kind of language, Pandora grumbled. It's not my fault your delicate sensibilities make you so easy to tease.
Katie stared at the screen, refusing to give Pandora any more ammunition. However, she felt the demon was building up to another volley and decided to get ahead of her. "What?"
Nothing… Just, I know you're not a virgin. Why so squeamish?
Katie sighed. "I'm not squeamish."
You so are. You are still blushing!
"There's a difference between being squeamish and believing that sex is a sacred act." Katie frowned. "I get that people don't all think that way, and that's fine. But for me, intimacy at that level is the highest form of connection and reducing it to crude comments pisses me off."
Oh, fuck, you're boring. Why did I get stuck with the most boring human being on the planet? Maybe you should get Damian to exorcise me to save me from the prospect of never fucking getting any ever again.
Katie made a move to get up.
I'm kidding! Don't.
Katie settled back, a slow smile appearing along with the upper hand in the conversation. "So, you don't want to go back to hell."
I'm hungry.
"You're always hungry. If I ate every time you wanted food, my ass would be the size of that barn you were talking about earlier."
Sure you don't want some delicious chicken nuggets?
"Definitely sure," Katie stated firmly. "I'll save that processed crap for enticing demons. If you're good, we'll get a steak and a salad later."
I'm a demon! Entice me! Pandora groaned. What is the point of living in a world that is filled with deep-fried goodies if all you're going to eat is rabbit food?
"Okay, I'll go stuff my face with all the shitty food you crave. Then, the next time we're facing off against demons, I'll just waddle over there and say, 'I’m sorry, my inner demon demanded that I eat all this unhealthy shit, and now I’m too unfit to fight. Could you go back to hell, please?’ It will work out, right?”
You don’t have to be a bitch about it, Pandora grumbled.
Katie grinned. “Actually, I do. It’s the only language you seem to understand.”
I take back what I said about you being my favorite human. You’re the worst human in existence. I want fried food.
Katie felt a sudden craving for sugar. “Is that you? Are you doing that?”
Doing what? Pandora’s voice was the epitome of innocence.
“Making me crave sweets?”
Maybe? Is it working?
“Damn it, yes.” Katie got up from the sofa and went to rummage in the fridge. All she found was an empty Dunkin Donuts box. “This won’t do. This won’t do at all.”
How could we run out of treats? Pandora whined. Don’t you have servants to make sure a travesty like this doesn’t occur?
Katie shook her head as she closed the fridge door. “You’re a pain in my ass, Pandora. Looks like we need to do a run to the store.”
Yay! Supply run! Pandora trilled.
Katie rolled her eyes and headed to her room to grab a jacket, then went down to the motor pool to grab the keys to one of the team’s unassigned SUVs.
Calvin gave her a curious look as she passed him in the corridor.
“Snack run,” Katie told him without slowing down. “The fridge in the rec room is empty, and by empty, I mean there are no donuts.”
“Enough said,” Calvin answered with a laugh. “You want some company?”
Katie tapped a finger on her temple. “I’ve got plenty, thanks. Can I pick up anything for you while I’m there?”
Calvin’s eyes sparked with interest. “If they have crullers on today, I wouldn’t turn a half-dozen down.”
Katie groaned. “Let me guess. Your demon likes them too?”
Calvin laughed. “No, my demon is all about the nuggets. Sometimes I even let him have a few. I just wanted a donut.”
Katie pondered the rapid formation of her relationships with team members as she made her way to the Walmart off Case Parkway. Something had recently changed in their dynamic.
Loss brings people together, Pandora commented.
“What do you know about loss?” Katie asked, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel in time to Eminem. It wasn’t her usual taste in music, but whoever had checked the SUV out before her had left the playlist loaded, and she wasn’t taking time to change it.
I wasn’t always stuck in hell, Pandora reminded her. Granted, this is the first time I’ve been in a team situation, but humans are all the same. You’re pack animals, and you will bond over anything. In my experience, the strongest bonds are the ones that form between people who have things in common. You and the guys might not be making the beast with two backs—or five backs, if I had my way—but you all lost Frat Boy and your medic.
Katie had a feeling it was more than that, but she kept her opinion to herself. “That’s pretty deep, Pandora. Maybe you actually have a heart beneath your bitchy exterior?”
Fuck, no. Don’t sully my reputation with those nasty rumors. All I’m saying is that you have a common cause to bring you together. It’s logic, definitely not me giving a shit.
Katie grinned. “You’re a terrible liar. You care!”
I am a consummate liar, I’ll have you know. You wouldn’t be able to tell I was lying if I told you the sky was green.
Katie snorted. “Yeah, right. I’m going to figure you out, and when I do, it’s all over for you.”
Good luck with that. Pandora scoffed. What is this place?
Katie killed the engine and stepped out of the SUV in the parking lot. “It’s a Walmart. You buy stuff here.”
What kind of stuff? Toys?
“Not the kind you’re thinking about,” Katie murmured, ignoring the look she got from a couple passing the cart corral.
Inside, the store was decorated for fall. Katie steered her cart past the special displays by the entrance, then the clothing section, and paused as she reached the grocery aisles.
What are you looking for? Pandora asked.
Katie tilted her head. “I’m not sure. I have an idea, but I don’t know how well it will go down with Korbin, Calvin, and Derek right now.”
Then you should definitely go with it.
“You would say that.” Katie hesitated. “You know what? Fuck it. I’m doing it. It’s not like I can’t afford to go a little crazy on impulse.”
Katie snickered as she put the bag in her cart. “You’ll see…”